Forensic Nurses specialize in caring for victims and perpetrators of violence. They care for the physical, psychological, and social trauma that occurs in patients who have been assaulted or abused. Forensic nurses also have a specialized knowledge of the legal system and collect evidence, provide medical testimony in court, and provide consultation to legal authorities.
The International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) is the recognized authority on forensic nursing. The Association is the catalyst for universal access to forensic nursing care for patients impacted by violence and trauma. Its members are sought out by the public, policymakers, media, governments and worldwide healthcare systems for their expertise and knowledge. The Association and its members are valued for their collaborative leadership across systems. The Association defines and advances the global research agenda to enhance nursing’s evidence based response to the needs of forensic populations. Regulatory bodies and certifying agencies look to the Association for guidance on setting standards of care for forensic nursing services in a variety of settings. The Association serves as a global network for forensic nurses to exchange ideas, serve as mentors and enhance their practice. To learn more about Forensic Nursing, please visit the IAFN website.