SANE A Clinical Skills Training
Come join us!
TXFNE will be hosting it's last SANE-A Clincial Skills Workshop of the year in December! Come join us December 11 & 12 for this amazing clinical experience. Spots fill fast, so don't delay!
Register at: www.txfne.com
Email us at info@txfne.ocm for any questions!
Texas A&M University Mock Testimony Simulation Training
Seats are still available for those interested in our Mock Testimony Simulation!
This course will be delivered in a hybrid fashion with online content supported by video training, reading materials and online course interaction opening November 23.
The online modules must be completed in their entirety to be eligible to participate in the mock testimony live simulation practice, a required all-day event held virtually on December 11.
Texas A&M University College of Nursing is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
8441 Riverside Parkway, Bryan, Texas 77807
Houston Methodist SANE Adult/Adolescent Training
Sexual Assault
Nurse Examiner
(SANE) Course
November 23-25 & December 2-3
from 8 am to 5 pm
Houston Methodist SANE Adult/Adolescent Training
Course meets the requirement for Texas CA-SANE
Certification. Nurses must attend the entire activity
to earn nursing continuing professional
development contact hours. Cost: Free
To register email Andrea Cressy at acressy@houstonmethodist.org
Available: Tuition to cover Texas A&M SANE training and more!
The Texas A&M Health Center of Excellence in Forensic Nursing received continuing federal grant funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to provide specialized training in forensic nursing free of charge to approved grantees that:
currently live and work in rural, underserved areas or
serve patients that live and work in rural, underserved areas.
With course registrations now open, we are seeking qualified applicants ready to expand their knowledge, resources and training through this grant funded opportunity. If accepted, grantees will receive a reimbursement† for accommodations and course costs.
Please note the courses that qualify for reimbursement are as follows:
· 40 hour Adult/Adolescent Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Training
o Meets and exceeds standards for Texas State SANE certification
· Adult Sexual Assault Simulation
o Gain all 15 pelvic examinations needed for Texas State SANE certification and experience with 4 simulated forensic medical examinations, 2 of which count toward Texas State Certification
· Mock Testimony Simulation
o Gain all 16 courtroom hours needed for Texas State SANE certification
Grantees will also have access to our Community of Practice, where they can continue to grow in their journey with access to resources designed to support them in achieving their career goals including networking for hospital preceptorship sites and preparation for national certification.
Apply online at this link
If you would like to subscribe to our e-newsletter, you can do so following this short link: tx.ag/CEFNnews.
†Reimbursement for course costs and accommodations (including per diem food, hotel, and mileage) not to exceed $5,000.
Texas Health SANE Program - Adult
Texas Health SANE Program
North Texas
2020 Summer SANE Training: Adult/adolescent
Texas Health SANE Program is hosting a 40-hour Adult/adolescent SANE training virtually via Microsoft Teams November 2-6, 2020. You must attend the entire 40 hours to get the final certification of completion for the SANE Adult/adolescent training. There is no charge for this class.
Desired learning outcome(s) statement:
The registered nurse will begin to develop the critical thinking skills required to conduct a comprehensive culturally sensitive medical forensic examination, the importance of multidisciplinary teams’ community response throughout the legal process from outcry to prosecution, and how unbiased testimony will improve patient outcomes and community health/safety.
At the completion of this activity the SANE RN student will report increased knowledge about the skills required to conduct a comprehensive culturally sensitive medical forensic examination, the importance of the multidisciplinary teams’ community response throughout the legal process, and how unbiased testimony will improve patient outcomes and community health and safety, and will be able to demonstrate the clinical skills of evidence collection using items contained in the sexual assault evidence kit, meeting the standards of the Texas Evidence Collection Protocol as mandated by Government Code 420, Sec. 420.031, and complete a group education project
40 CNE contact hours will be provided to the individuals successfully completing the adult-adolescent course.
In support of improving patient care, Texas Health Resources is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
Maximum class registration will be 40 RNs and/or APNs.
To register please send the following information to the following e-mail address: THRSANEInformation@texashealth.org
1. Name: _____________________________________________________________
2. E-mail address (all class notes, and information will be provided by e-mail! Please make sure this is a good e-mail address): _______________________________
3. Cell Phone Number: __________________________ (will use to text or notify emergencies during the class)
4. Professional Title (RN, APN, DNP) ______________________________________
5. Department you work in (ED, ICU, etc.) __________________________________
6. Employee Agency: ___________________________________________________
7. Employee City and State: _____________________________________________
The dates are as follows for the Adult-adolescent 40 hour didactic:
November 2-6, 2020 (Mon – Fri)
Class will begin sharply at 8:00 AM and complete at 5:00 PM each day.
Class information:
• Tardiness more than 30 min will require making up lost class time
• The class days are approximately 8 hours with an hour lunch break each day. Some days may end later or earlier than projected
Certification requirements: Texas Office of the Attorney General (TX OAG) CA-SANE (Adult/adolescent):
Completion of 40 hour SANE training, associated clinical and court observation are required for the TX OAG CA-SANE Certification. See information on OAG SANE certification at:
RN SANE trainees may collaborate with the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) members in your community to identify clinical opportunities to complete clinical required for TX OAG SANE Certification. Community collaboration further benefits a victim of sexual assault by community partners working together to provide support for victims of sexual assault.

Online Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner: Pediatric, Adolescent & Adult Course!
We are so excited to announce our Online Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner: Pediatric, Adolescent & Adult Course!
So many have reached out and asked about SANE Courses, as well as making them online due to COVID. We were able to come together with our TXFNE team as well as many community partners to finally bring this course to you.
To sign up go to forensiccentertraining.com to make your account & purchase the SANE Course today! We will be offering more trainings through this platform in the future so stay tuned!

FREE training for TEXAS nurses
The Texas A&M Health Center of Excellence in Forensic Nursing received continuing federal grant funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to provide specialized training in forensic nursing free of charge to approved grantees that:
currently live and work in rural, underserved areas or
serve patients that live and work in rural, underserved areas.
With course registrations now open, we are seeking qualified applicants ready to expand their knowledge, resources and training through this grant funded opportunity. If accepted, grantees will receive a reimbursement† for accommodations and course costs.
Please note the courses that qualify for reimbursement are as follows:
· 40 hour Adult/Adolescent Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Training
o Meets and exceeds standards for Texas State SANE certification
· Adult Sexual Assault Simulation
o Gain all 15 pelvic examinations needed for Texas State SANE certification and experience with 4 simulated forensic medical examinations, 2 of which count toward Texas State Certification
· Mock Testimony Simulation
o Gain all 16 courtroom hours needed for Texas State SANE certification
Grantees will also have access to our Community of Practice, where they can continue to grow in their journey with access to resources designed to support them in achieving their career goals including networking for hospital preceptorship sites and preparation for national certification.
Apply online at this link by September 1st, 2020 at 8:00 AM.
If you would like to subscribe to our e-newsletter, you can do so following this short link: tx.ag/CEFNnews.
†Reimbursement for course costs and accommodations (including per diem food, hotel, and mileage) not to exceed $5,000.
Chelsea Knutson, MSN, BS, RN, CNE, CA-SANE | Program Manager, Forensic Outreach
College of Nursing, Center of Excellence in Forensic Nursing | Texas A&M University
1359 TAMU | 8447 Riverside Parkway | Bryan, TX 77807-3260
ph: 979-436-0909 | fax: 979-436-0098 | knutson@tamu.edu
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CEFN Course Registration Website: tx.ag/nursingcontinuinged

Well Child Simulation (Copy)
POC: forensicnursing@tamu.edu
Click here for more information

Texas SANE/Forensic Education Program Part I: Adult / Adolescent
POC: forensicnursing@TAMU.edu
Click here for more information

40 h SANE Training
Texas Health SANE Program is hosting a 40-hour Adult/adolescent SANE training in Arlington, TX, 76011 at the Texas Health Corporate Tower June 1-5, 2020. You must attend the entire 40 hours to get the final certification of completion for the SANE Adult/adolescent training. There is no charge for this class.
Desired learning outcome(s) statement:
The registered nurse will begin to develop the critical thinking skills required to conduct a comprehensive culturally sensitive medical forensic examination, the importance of multidisciplinary teams’ community response throughout the legal process from outcry to prosecution, and how unbiased testimony will improve patient outcomes and community health/safety.
At the completion of this activity the SANE RN student will report increased knowledge about the skills required to conduct a comprehensive culturally sensitive medical forensic examination, the importance of the multidisciplinary teams’ community response throughout the legal process, and how unbiased testimony will improve patient outcomes and community health and safety, and will be able to demonstrate the clinical skills of evidence collection using items contained in the sexual assault evidence kit, meeting the standards of the Texas Evidence Collection Protocol as mandated by Government Code 420, Sec. 420.031, and complete a group education project
40 CNE contact hours will be provided to the individuals successfully completing the adult-adolescent course.
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Courses Adult/Adolescent: June 1-5, 2020 Pediatric: July 13-17, 2020 8am – 5pm
Hours of Continuing Nursing Education per class
6834 FM S. 549
Heath, TX 75032
Forensic Nurse Experts
Register online today!
$750.00 for both sessions
$400.00 for one session
This continuing nursing education was approved by the Texas Nurses Association – Approver, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Forensic Nurse Experts is a Collaboration of Wolf Legal Nurse Consultants, Inc. and SAFE Solutions
These 40-hour courses are intense, didactic training following the educational guidelines of the International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) and will prepare you for clinicals required by the Texas Office of Attorney General CA-CP Certification.
Texas SANE/ Forensic Education Program Part II: Pediatric
This course will be delivered completely online.
Online course modules will be released weekly using the Texas A&M Canvas Learning Management System located at here: https://tamu.instructure.com
Once you are registered, you will be loaded to the online course in Canvas. The course will open May 27, 2020 at 8 am.
Presenters and guest speakers will hold live office hours several times a week using Zoom web conferencing software. You may download Zoom in advance at this location: https://zoom.us/download
The specific Meeting ID to join will be provided in your Canvas course.
Texas A&M University College of Nursing is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Texas Nurses Association – Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Human Trafficking: A Healthcare Response
Human Trafficking: A Healthcare Response provides the learner with an understanding of the history and prevalence of Human Trafficking, dynamics of human trafficking, Federal and State laws as it relates to Human Trafficking Patients, screening of patients for Human Trafficking, inherent dangers in the hospital as it related to Human Trafficking patients,address the medical needs of the human trafficking patients, understand history taking skills follow up and long term needs of the human trafficking patient.
4 hours of CNE’s
This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Texas Nurses Association - Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
SANE Coordinator at
Titus Regional Medical Center
Paris Regional Medical Center
Quality Care ER
Northeast Texas Child Advocacy Ceneter
Hunt County Children’s Advocacy Center
Children’s Advocacy Center of Paris
Owner: S.A. F. E. Solutions
Franklin County Deputy Sheriff
Co-Owner Forensic Nurse Experts

Pediatric SANE Training
Bright Building
Third Floor in Half Moon
Continuing Education Hours:
40 CNE contact hours for successful completion.
All participants must attend all five days to receive certification.
No partial credit will be awarded.
Registration Information:
Register via this link: https://may-2020-sane.eventbrite.com
For information regarding this training and others hosted at Children’s Health please click the following link: https://www.childrens.com/for-healthcare-professionals/education-training/continuing-medical-education-credits/conferences-and-events
Space is limited.
There is no cost for this activity
Lunch and light snacks will be provided
There is a fee assessed for parking
Please contact Sandra Onyi with questions or for registration assistance at 214-456-7271

SANE Training
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Courses
Adult/Adolescent: April 27-May 1, 2020
Pediatric: June 1-5, 2020
8am – 5pm
Week One Offered via Live Streaming Due to Recent Shelter-in-Place Mandates

Texas SANE/ Forensic Education Program Part I: Adult/ Adolescent
Number of spaces remaining for event: 119
Event Description:
The purpose of this course to provide the foundation for practicing as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. Topics covered include: forensic nursing concepts, basic evidence collection, injury identification, trauma-informed care, human trafficking, roles of the multi-disciplinary team members, conducting the medical-forensic examination, and more…This course adheres to the IAFN Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Education Guidelines. Participants may use this course as they strive to complete Texas and national certification requirements.
Participants may use this course as they strive to complete Texas and national certification requirements. Learning Outcome: The participant will conduct the medical-forensic examination for sexual assault in adult and adolescents.