You must be an active member of IAFN to join the Texas Chapter.
Click here to become a member today! By becoming a member of the International Association of Forensic Nurses, you will be joining the world's largest and most prestigious network of professionals who work in this practice and support the continued implementation of forensic nursing principles. Association membership gives you the resources you need to develop your practice, become recognized, and connect with your peers in the industry. All multi-year membership options protect you from dues increases during the membership period.

If you are a current IAFN member who would like to join the Texas Chapter, email Christina Presenti at membership to get started. You will be able to renew both your chapter an annual IAFN membership together in the future. 

Annual chapter membership is $30 for regular IAFN members and $25 for Student IAFN Members. 3-year and 5-year renewals are discounted, at $78 and $120 respectively.

The IAFN Texas Chapter currently has over 105 members, all of whom are doing exceptional things as forensic nurses.

Benefits of Chapter Membership

  • Local networking and collegiality

  • Discounted registration fees to local chapter events

  • Develop local leaders within forensic nursing 

  • Added educational opportunities

  • Participate in local policy and legislative advocacy