You are cordially invited to attend the Texas SANE Coordinator’s Forum January 7-8, 2019 at Texas A&M University in Round Rock. SANE Coordinators and SANE Program Medical Directors are welcome to attend. The meeting will be held at 3950 N. A.W. Grimes Blvd, Round Rock, 78665 in room S100 from 8:00AM to 5:30PM on Monday and from 8:00AM to 11:30AM on Tuesday. Since we have a limited time together, and have much to cover, we are ordering in continental breakfasts for both mornings and lunch on January 7, 2018. The $20 charge is to cover continental breakfast and lunch. There is no promo code. Registration for the SANE Coordinator’s conference is at no cost to you and your medical director. Please find the agenda attached here.
Link to register for SANE Coordinator’s Forum:
Topics will include:
Simulation in sexual assault nurse examiner training,
Clinical Learning Resource Center (CLRC) tour,
Legislative update,
Texas certification discussion, and
Practice-related issues.
Location: Texas A&M Health Science Center, Round Rock Campus
Address: 3950 North A. W. Grimes Blvd, Round Rock, TX 78665
Map for hotel and local amenities: